Started in the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration in the United States, The Magnificast is a podcast exploring Christianity and the political left. A lot of people around the world are looking for ways to resist growing reactionary trends, but don’t know where to start. We think the Christian tradition and the tradition of leftist politics provide unique resources, historical examples, and theoretical tools for engaging these problems in ways that go beyond the usual conservative/liberal divide that characterizes a lot of Christian and political discourse. Inspired by Mary’s song of praise, we talk about how to fill the hungry with good things and send the rich away empty.

Podcast Hosts

Matt Bernico is an independent journalist and scholar with a PhD in Media Studies. His research and writing focus on media, politics, and religion. You can find his scholarly work here.

Dean Dettloff is a Catholic PhD candidate at the Institute for Christian Studies, where his research deals with the intersections of media theory, religion, and politics.

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